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  • Added data source descriptions and docs links to the Data source dialog
  • Added a Frame lock setting in a topic settings modal for nav_msgs/OccupancyGrid topics in the 3D panel
  • Added support for geometry_msgs/PoseArray messages and a setting to control geometry_msgs/PoseStamped and geometry_msgs/PoseArray messages' arrow shaft length in the 3D panel
  • Added support for loading MCAP files from a remote URL
  • Made all built-in types available for use in the Node Playground panel, even when users' data does not contain those types
  • Added velodyne_msgs/VelodyneScan and velodyne_msgs/VelodynePacket to the set of built-in message types
  • Added support for foxglove.FrameTransform messages to the 3D panel, so users with MCAP files or Foxglove WebSocket data sources can build a transform tree graph
  • Made current playback time available via the extensions API
  • Added support for foxglove.GeoJSON messages that adds GeoJSON markers to the map in the Map panel, for users with MCAP files or Foxglove WebSocket data sources
  • Added support for foxglove.PoseInFrame, foxglove.PosesInFrame, and foxglove.Color support to the 3D panel, for users with MCAP files or Foxglove WebSocket data sources


  • Improved error messages during MCAP reading to include information about which library produced the file
  • Display message order warnings in the Data source sidebar, instead of via toast notifications
  • Adjusted shaft length of pose in nuScenes sample data demo
  • Improved error messages when attempting to access data from Foxglove when not logged in or logged in to the wrong organization


  • Include the relevant package:// URL in the error message when failing to load a resource via a package:// URL
  • Fixed a bug in the 3D panel where sensor_msgs/LaserScan messages with intensities would sometimes not allow coloring by intensity
  • Fixed an issue with incorrect updates to the state URL and the Data source dialog's "Recents" list
  • Do not display errors when users encounter previously unseen schema/channel combinations while playing data from Foxglove
  • Confirmed image annotation dropdown does not jump around between selecting options
  • Fixed 3D panel flicker when using the Velodyne connection with a sensor in dual return mode
  • Fixed incorrect fetching behavior for remote bag and MCAP file sources, where the app would make HTTP Range requests that were too large and beyond the end of the file
