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Exporting data

Export your data to visualize them in Foxglove and other debugging and visualization tools.

Once you've imported data to Foxglove, you can export select ranges of this data to export as a MCAP (.mcap) or ROS 1 (.bag) file, or stream the data directly to third party debugging tools like Jupyter Notebooks or visualization tools like Foxglove.

Download recording or event

Select a recording from the Recordings page or an event from the Events to download it.

When downloading MCAP files, all associated metadata records and attachments are included. You can also download MCAP files' attachments separately, under the recording details page's Attachments tab.

Download time range

Use the Timeline page to find the data you are interested in:


Zoom in and out of your data, and navigate to time ranges of interest. Click any column in the timeline to zoom in on the data you want.

After locating the data you want, click a coverage bar or select a time range by dragging and clicking the selected region:

export via Timeline

Download the selected data as an .mcap or .bag file, or launch it in Foxglove for immediate visualization.