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This is a patch release with no new features since v0.13.0. Some of the release binaries for v0.13.0 were incorrect, so we have re-published the correct binaries under a new version number.



Foxglove now supports loading and visualizing two new data sources – ROS 2 bag files and Velodyne LIDAR!


  • Added support for loading and visualizing rosbag2 files; renamed ROS 1 data sources
  • Added a Velodyne LIDAR data source in the Connection tab that connects directly to Velodyne LIDAR hardware by listening for packets on a local UDP port
  • Enabled hovering on a map point to highlight the corresponding playback time, and clicking on a map point to seek to that time
  • Added panel setting to hide topics without subscribers in Topic Graph panel


  • Allowed filtering topic messages based on any field value in Raw Messages panel
  • Transitioned more components to use FluentUI
  • Sorted panels alphabetically in Add Panel sidebar


  • Fixed issue with displaying bigint values in Raw Messages panel
  • Fixed image markers that became blurry on zoom in Image panel
  • Fixed issue where a split panel incorrectly loses its state
  • Fixed playback bugs when no layout is present
  • Fixed issue with copying messages in Raw Messages panel


  • Added UX issue template
  • Updated bug report template
  • Added and resolved lint rules
  • Extracted packages into separate npm packages
  • Updated repo README



We're excited to announce the alpha release of Foxglove extensions!


  • Added support for installing .foxe files as extensions, with all available extensions displayed in a sidebar tab

  • New API for panel extensions

    Extensions menu
  • Added a macOS Quick Look preview extension for .bag files, with details about topics Quick Look demo


  • Use FluentUI's slider component in the Variable Slider panel
  • Moved Layouts list into the sidebar
  • Show an error in message path input when using an unsupported math modifier


  • Fixed a bug leading to a blank 3D panel when rearranging layouts
  • Fixed a performance issue in the Plot panel when it was first opened
  • Fixed the "X range" setting in Plot panel so the view correctly follows playback with the specified width
  • Fixed an issue where Node Playground nodes would receive empty input messages
  • Fixed renaming and deleting nodes in Node Playground


  • Performance improvement when loading bag files
  • Add templates for pull requests, bug reports, and feature requests
  • Ongoing work to support shared layouts
  • Fix more lint warnings
  • Add theme colors to storybook



We've reorganized our repo for optimized web and desktop builds, migrated our Redux store to React contexts, and addressed miscellaneous bug fixes and feature requests.


  • Duplicate a layout in the Layouts menu
  • Display the appropriate dev mode app icon on Windows
  • Reduce bundle size by only supporting JSON (vs. JSON and YAML) for the 3D panel's camera info and polygon editing feature


  • Align Connection menu items
  • Fix the 3D panel's ability to save CameraInfo
  • Support all known datatype prefixes (i.e. visualization_msgs/, webviz_msgs/, foxglove_msgs/, and studio_msgs/) for ImageMarkerArray
  • Support consistent header stamp extraction across the app, including for ImageMarkerArray
  • Fixed the Plot panel's chart component from going blank after user interactions, like resizing or clicking


  • Minify production builds to reduce CI integration test run time
  • Update roslibjs, Typescript, and wasm-lz4
  • Update linting rules, and fix resulting warnings
  • Removed unused internal debugging panels: Number of Renders, Subscribe to List
  • Remove Redux after moving all relevant state to React contexts
  • Reorganized app code and Foxglove packages as top-level folders in the packages/ directory

macOS users: Please download the dmg file. The zip file is for automatic updates and cannot be installed directly.




  • Fixed layout undo/redo functionality
  • Fixed incorrect panel settings being saved


  • Ongoing work to support panel extensions
  • Ongoing work to support shared layouts



Most notably in this release, we added the ability to publish messages using the ROS 1 native connection. The dream of integrated robotics visualization & control is getting closer! For now, our Publish panel is pretty basic, but this opens up the ability for extensions to create more complex control panels.


  • Ability to publish messages using ROS 1 native connection
  • Ability to publish common ROS messages from Node Playground without existing message definitions
  • Support custom image zoom
  • Support 8UC3 image encoding
  • App setting to reduce framerate
  • Add File->Preferences and Help->About menus on Linux & Windows
  • Add support for foxglove_msgs/ImageMarkerArray


  • Fix "New Node" button rendering in Node Playground
  • Remove warning for subscribing right after player loaded (
  • Fix "Provider topics should not change often" warning
  • Fix occupancy grid rendering in 3d panel
  • Fix marker with linked variables error in 3d panel
  • Fixed several issues and warnings with image panel


  • Ongoing improvements to browser support
  • Ongoing work to support panel extensions
  • Rename @foxglove-studio/app to @foxglove/studio-base
  • Merge redundant loadLayout and importPanelLayout actions
  • Consolidate use of micro-memoize with memoize-weak
  • Add @foxglove/rosmsg package
  • Switch Rosbridge player to use lazy messages
  • Replace rc-color-picker with FluentUI color picker
  • Move layout from redux to CurrentLayoutContext
  • Speed up lint with a single tsconfig



We're excited to share with you our new branding!


  • New app icon and colors


  • Fix "cannot find chart with id" errors
  • Fix creating new window from dock in macOS
  • Fix missing data in table panel
  • Fix analytics settings


  • Ongoing work to support web build



Mostly just squashing a few bugs - always nice to get the fixes out as soon as possible! 🪲


  • Allow adjusting min/max values for mono16 depth images


  • Move 3D panel settings to sidebar
  • Move Plot panel settings to sidebar


  • Fix crash on Windows HiDPI screens with Plot panel
  • Fix error when inverted min/max values were entered for Plot panel
  • Fix broken Plot panel x-axis range setting
  • Fix loading a second bag by holding Shift while drag & dropping


  • Load new Foxglove windows when created via File menu
  • Fix some @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any warnings



✨ This week we have a brand new sidebar UI to show off. We think it's a better way to connect to a data source, add panels, and manage your global variables, without covering your existing panels. Try it out and let us know what you think! ✨


  • New sidebar UI


  • Use system fonts instead of Inter UI


  • Fix very slow startup time on some macOS systems caused by getMachineId
  • Fix rosparam subscriptions when new parameters are added to a running system
  • Fix loading spinner showing after refreshing app
  • Fix app crash when atteempting to use Publish panel with ROS 1 native connection
  • Fix scrollbars hiding text on the error modal


  • Add new @foxglove/hooks package
  • Separate renderer entrypoints from app
  • Replace text-width with text-metrics
  • Disable Cytoscape warnings in Topic Graph
  • Remove remaining references to webviz
  • Load app settings synchronously at startup
  • Disable sentry breadcrumbs
  • Fix @typescript-eslint/prefer-nullish-coalescing lint warnings
  • Move experimental features to app settings
  • Add NativeAppMenuContext



Lots of bug fixes, performance improvements, and under-the-hood improvements this week.


  • Ability to set ROS_HOSTNAME in preferences
  • New toolbar, layout options, and other settings for Topic Graph panel


  • Complete rework of how we handle and present connection errors
  • Improved app initialization performance
  • Improved panel rendering performance
  • Show preview while dragging panels
  • Set minimum window size


  • Gracefully handle ROS connection failures
  • Fixed app crash when Publish panel used with Rosbridge connections
  • Improved URDF error handling
  • Fixed ROS connection dialog appearing on refresh
  • Fixed app re-intializing when switching to fullscreen on macOS
  • Added mDNS caching, preventing timeouts/DoS for local network robots
  • Better errors when unsupported file types are dragged into the app
  • Fixed rendering of playback bar during resize
  • Fixed line breaks not rendering in 3D panel Object Details
  • Resume playback when spacebar pressed


  • Removed Global Variables panel (redundant since there is already a top-level dropdown)


  • Remove bobjects, use LazyMessageReader instead
  • Remove indexdb data provider
  • Improve jest performance
  • Replace react-cytoscapejs with our own component
  • Replace Message with MessageEvent in Panel API
  • Fixed many lint warnings
  • Check for Git LFS before running yarn
  • Better cross-platform support for ros1-turtlesim-docker
  • Moved TypeScript typings to separate @foxglove/types package
