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Friday afternoon is always the best time to push out a release! πŸ”₯


  • Added new URDF panel
  • Added new ROS Parameters panel
  • Added foxglove:// URL handler


  • Allow higher zoom levels for the map panel
  • Use app timezone setting in the playback bar
  • Panels are no longer selected on every click


  • Fix TCP connections to mDNS hostnames (helpful for Duckiebot and other robots on your local network)


  • Panel rendering performance improvements
  • Enable React.StrictMode for new panels
  • Set sample-robot-docker hostname
  • Replace react-select with FluentUI in Rosout panel
  • Replace babel-loader with react-refresh-typescript



Our engineers spent the week on an expedition deep into our chart rendering code. I think we could call it a success! Somehow, they managed to also build a few shiny new features at the same time...


  • New Map panel
  • New Topic Graph panel
  • New grid layer in the 3D panel
  • Ability to customize the 3D panel background with ColorRGBA messages
  • Support for loading 3D panel TFs from any topic
  • Node Playground can now learn TFs from MarkerArray messages
  • Support for ROS topics that don't start with /
  • New time zone setting
  • UI to opt out of telemetry & crash reporting


  • Way better Plot panel performance
  • Use /clock for currentTime if available on native ROS connections
  • Improved topic selector UX in the Image panel
  • Better error messages for remote bags


  • Fixed app crash on some Windows machines due to off screen font loading
  • Fixed dragging panels from the Add Panel menu
  • Fixed 3D panel breaking after reconnecting an external display
  • Fixed click-to-seek functionality in Plot panel
  • Inform ROS master when unsubscribing from a topic
  • Node Playground was broken due to loading wasm from shared workers
  • Fixed silent getUserDefault error on non-macOS platforms
  • Fixed automatically inferred transforms for some point clouds
  • Fixed "split panel" action for panels with no config


  • New high-performance lazy ROS message parser
  • Fixed an issue with hot reloading icons
  • Moved default panel configuration into each panel
  • Updated sample-robot-docker to work on macOS
  • Better capturing of errors from shared workers
  • Upgraded electron, fixing several issues including missing source maps
  • Fixed storybook delays
  • Automatically merge dependabot updates
  • Split app/util/hooks.tsx into separate files
  • Added Windows git checkout to CI
  • Replace PopperJS with FluentUI tooltips
  • Added logging support to @foxglove/ros1
  • Replaced custom Dimensions component with react-resize-detector
  • Fixed wasm-bz2 unit tests on Windows
  • Fixed many @typescript-eslint/strict-boolean-expressions and missing return types
  • Added typescript-plugin-styled-components for improved CSS class names
  • Added release tracking to Sentry error reports



Our robots have been hard at work attempting to press buttons on keyboards, and it appears to have resulted in new features.


  • We can now render raw Velodyne point clouds (velodyne_msgs/VelodyneScan messages from /velodyne_packets topic) in Foxglove, without them needing to be converted into sensor_msgs/PointCloud2. This makes it possible to visualize point clouds from additional open source datasets such as the Udacity Self Driving Car dataset.
  • Support for unpublished transforms referenced in point clouds, and transforms with missing parents
  • Support for all sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 field data types
  • Support for older style tf/tfMessage transforms
  • Added a "repeat" toggle to enable/disable repeat during bag playback
  • Added new telemetry.crashReportingEnabled preference


  • Automatic x-axis sync in Plot and State Transition panels
  • Integrated @fluentui/react component library, with some minor icon other UI changes
  • Auto-hide menu bar on Linux and Windows
  • Remember last URL for ROS and bag connections


  • Fixed several issues with Node Playground
  • Fixed native file system integration (double click to open bag)
  • Fixed errors attempting to publish to empty topics
  • Fixed support for bags with unaligned Float32Array
  • Minor improvements to how we handle some errors
  • Cleaned up menu warnings in the developer console


  • New @foxglove/velodyne-cloud package for working with raw Velodyne packets in TypeScript
  • New @foxglove/log package
  • Upgraded chart.js to v3, moved off a custom fork, and rewrote most of the Plot and State Transitions panels in the process
  • Upgraded react-mosaic-component and moved off a custom fork
  • Replaced react-spring with react-transition-group



Happy release day! We're excited to bring you a selection of new treats:


  • Native ROS 1 connection support! You can now connect directly to a running rosmaster, without needing to run the rosbridge_server websocket node (which is still fully supported).
  • Better timestamp formatting in the 3D panel
  • Hid the playback bar when connected to a live robot
  • Moved Electron Developer Tools under View -> Advanced menu
  • Added support for nav_msgs/Path
  • Added telemetry (opt-out available in settings.json)


  • Opening bags compressed with bz2 is at least 2x faster
  • Improvements to keyboard shortcuts and undo/redo handling
  • Always use dark mode if the OS supports it, to match our app theme
  • Keep layout menu open after deleting a layout
  • Renamed WebSocket to Rosbridge in the UI
  • Lots more refactoring and improvements under the hood!


  • Many improvements to error handling around new connections
  • Fixed bug when displaying unknown panels
  • Fixed markers not being properly deselected
  • Fixed table color inheritance


  • Removed the 2D Plot panel. This had overlapping features with the existing Plot panel (not to mention a confusing name), and we plan to merge their features.



It's that time of the week again! Here's what we've been working on:


  • Layout management! No longer are you constrained to a single layout. You can now save multiple layouts for different purposes, and easily switch between them. You can also import/export layouts as json files to share with friends.
  • New Welcome layout and panel, explaining how to get started with Foxglove.


  • Fixed various issues regarding missing tf frames, preventing prominent open source bags from loading in the 3D panel


  • We removed the Note panel. We plan to investigate better ways of annotating layouts.



Just some small quality of life changes.


  • macOS builds are now universal binaries


  • Windows automatic updates should now be working



Happy Monday! Here are some new features and tweaks for your enjoyment...


  • Windows builds are now available! Try them out and send us your feedback.
  • Added file association support (double click to open .bag files in Foxglove)


  • Improved Experimental Features dialog
  • UX improvements to showing/hiding menus


  • Removed vim support in Node Playground editor


  • Fixed incorrect rendering of special characters

Note: v0.1.3 was removed, as it contained a bug loading bag files. This has now been fixed. Sorry for the interruption!
