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Happy release day! We're excited to bring you a selection of new treats:


  • Native ROS 1 connection support! You can now connect directly to a running rosmaster, without needing to run the rosbridge_server websocket node (which is still fully supported).
  • Better timestamp formatting in the 3D panel
  • Hid the playback bar when connected to a live robot
  • Moved Electron Developer Tools under View -> Advanced menu
  • Added support for nav_msgs/Path
  • Added telemetry (opt-out available in settings.json)


  • Opening bags compressed with bz2 is at least 2x faster
  • Improvements to keyboard shortcuts and undo/redo handling
  • Always use dark mode if the OS supports it, to match our app theme
  • Keep layout menu open after deleting a layout
  • Renamed WebSocket to Rosbridge in the UI
  • Lots more refactoring and improvements under the hood!


  • Many improvements to error handling around new connections
  • Fixed bug when displaying unknown panels
  • Fixed markers not being properly deselected
  • Fixed table color inheritance


  • Removed the 2D Plot panel. This had overlapping features with the existing Plot panel (not to mention a confusing name), and we plan to merge their features.
