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  • Added a “Show on startup" checkbox to the Data source dialog
  • Added support for publishing Docker images for each major.minor and major.minor.patch release to the GitHub Container registry
  • Added dragged-and-dropped local files to the Data source dialog's "Recents" list
  • Added support for opening rosbag2 files recorded with WAL journaling mode


  • Removed the obsolete ROS_HOSTNAME setting from app Preferences
  • Removed feature flag for Data source dialog flow
  • Changed Data source dialog to avoid displaying duplicate entries in the "Recents" list


  • Fixed issue in Data source dialog where clicking "Open file" after having cancelled a previous attempt did not re-open the file dialog as expected
  • Fixed the Image panel’s empty state to not display a stale image
  • Fixed issue where double-clicking a .bag file without any active Foxglove windows open would not correctly open the file in a new Foxglove window
  • Fixed handling of launch preference changes in an active session
  • Fixed the 3D panel's follow behavior



Happy holidays! 🎄 We've got a jam-packed release for you...


  • Added a Data source dialog to more easily select data sources and view sample datasets
  • Added light mode support for empty panel state
  • Added support for loading and visualizing rosbag2 .db3 files larger than 2GB
  • Added tooltip descriptions for each entry in the panel list
  • Added support for the Plot panel in non-Chrome browsers
  • Added support for the Image panel in non-Chrome browsers
  • Added rgba field support for PointCloud2 in the 3D panel


  • Changed the Plot panel's tooltip to show all values under a series label when hovering on multiple values within a series
  • Improved ImageMarker handling
  • Improved handling of deep links in fresh browser sessions
  • Made applicable controls in the Preferences sidebar into dropdown menus
  • Improved handling of point cloud render errors
  • Changed URDF errors to surface as toast notifications instead of full-screen error dialogs
  • Reordered 3D panel's toolbar items and changed transform control dropdown menu to always be visible
  • Avoided displaying a hint for unsupported package:// URLs in the web app
  • Enabled better performance when rendering complex scenes, especially in the 3D panel
  • Avoided displaying "Your active layout was deleted" when users delete the current layout themselves
  • Split the existing "Open Connection" menu item in the desktop app's File menu into 3 items: "Open File", "Open Remote File", "Open Connection"
  • Removed the Welcome layout from the desktop app's Help menu
  • Changed 3D panel to remember a user's previously selected follow frame, even as they toggle through follow modes
  • Removed support for LinedConvexHulls in the 3D panel
  • Improved visibility for point clouds colored with "Turbo" and changed pose markers to purple in the 3D panel
  • Improved the display of low frequency markers and transforms in the 3D panel by reading messages several seconds before the playhead when seeking
  • Made usability improvements to the 3D panel’s follow control
  • Reduced memory usage of the empty app at startup


  • Deselected the active layout when remotely deleted within another session
  • Omitted the time URL parameter for non-seekable datasources
  • Fixed a bug where the Foxglove WebSocket connection would stop displaying data if topics disappeared and re-appeared on the server
  • Fixed URL state encoding for Foxglove WebSocket connections
  • Fixed pose handling for OccupancyGrid messages
  • Fixed app crash when when adding a Publish panel while connected to a Foxglove WebSocket data source
  • Correctly updated the URL state for data sources that support URL state, and correctly cleared the URL state for data sources that do not support URL state
  • Ensured that infrequently published transforms no longer expire, and that transforms are never used ahead of their publish time
  • Fixed app crash when encountering incomplete Tab panel configs
  • Fixed unselectable color modes in point cloud settings editor
  • Fixed errors when loading certain Draco-compressed .glb meshes
  • Fixed loading of more .urdf, .xacro, and COLLADA (.dae) files
  • Fixed a bug where renaming a layout would not take effect when signed in across multiple devices
  • Fixed interaction so that pressing cmd + n number in the web app properly changes you to your nth browser tab
  • Fixed user nodes to be initialized with the latest globalVariables values
  • Displayed the disabled reason for a connection once, rather than twice
  • Fixed renderables that are not frame-locked (point clouds, occupancy grids, markers with frame_locked=false) to remain at their original position in the root frame in the 3D panel
  • Fixed URDF viewer to correctly parse .xacro files containing comments
  • Kept help text in the Data sources sidebar, even when a data source is reconnecting
  • Fixed lines connecting child and parent frames in the 3D panel to be more accurate for long distances
  • Fixed fetching mesh markers for non-200 but successful HTTP responses
  • Avoided filling in the follow control icon when not following a frame in the 3D panel
  • Fixed the Data Source Info panel to correctly display datatypes
  • Fixed LaserScan poses when rendering a different frame; added support for visualizing intensities[] values
  • Fixed the color of a difficult-to-read link in the web app
  • Fixed drag-and-drop functionality in Firefox
  • Fixed panel list from scrolling behind the input field in the panel settings' "Change panel" submenu



We're excited to introduce the new Foxglove WebSocket protocol, which allows you to load and visualize your custom (non-ROS) data inside Foxglove!


  • Added Foxglove WebSocket data source
  • Added dark theme for Quick Look previews
  • Added app version in Help sidebar


  • Changed Image panel behavior to automatically select an available image topic when opened as a new panel
  • Changed ImageMarker colors to use [0,1] range, consistent with Marker


  • Avoided storing recent files in indexeddb
  • Loaded last used layout, if no layout was specified in the app URL




  • Added a setParameter method to the extensions API
  • Added support for basic datatypes to the Node Playground panel, even when they are not present in the data source
  • Added backwards compatibility to deep-linking URLs, to support both legacy foxglove:// and new ds.* URLs
  • Added support for dragging and dropping folders – ROS 1 and PX4 currently open the first valid file, while ROS 2 opens multiple files


  • Removed DEPRECATED__ros support from the Node Playground
  • Allowed incoming /tf messages to reparent an existing parent-child frame connection
  • Allowed 3D panel scene to be set to a non-root frame – to render objects when transforms to the root frame are missing, and to fix precision issues when coordinate frames are far from the root frame
  • Reorganized desktop app's menu items across the File, Edit, and View menus
  • Changed "ROS 2 Bag (local)" data source to use the Open File, not Open Folder, dialog
  • Styled placeholder text in input fields to have a lower opacity


  • Fixed alignment of the "Change panel" menu
  • Fixed subscribing to previously published "latched" topics in ROS 2
  • Fixed app crashes when decoding some ROS 2 data
  • Set the correct defaults for panels that are swapped in for another panel
  • Fixed an issue where Plot panels would reset when topics were dynamically added or removed
  • Fixed a crash when rendering PoseStamped topics in the 3D panel
  • Fixed handling of locally initiated ROS 1 parameter updates
  • Fixed a missing border between the sidebar and sidebar content
  • Fixed flickering visualizations when connected to a live ROS 1 source that publishes simulated time on the /clock topic
  • Fixed deep-linking issue to properly restore state from URLs not at the root path #2326)




  • Added support for displaying ROS URDF files in the 3D panel
  • Add Resources, Product, and Legal sections to the desktop app’s Help menu
  • Duplicated items in the app sidebar in the desktop app's File menu
  • Added support for interpolating transforms in the 3D panel
  • Added arm64 builds for Windows


  • Removed extraneous model selection fields from the 3D panel’s pose settings
  • Rename Websocket to Rosbridge in dialog box for consistency
  • Duplicated items in the desktop app's Help menu in the Help sidebar
  • Improved error messaging for loading empty ROS 2 bags
  • Improved error messaging for XML-RPC failures in ROS1 data source
  • Changed "View docs" links in Help sidebar to always open a new browser tab
  • Grouped connection options under one submenu in the desktop app's File menu


  • Fixed bugs where panels disappeared when dragged from a tab into a nested tab, and where the app crashed when dragging a Tab panel as the highest-level panel in a layout
  • Fixed to avoid app crashes when replaying bag data with the --clock flag
  • Updated the "Account Settings" link to direct to the correct URL
  • Fixed loading mesh resource markers with capitalized file extensions such as .STL
  • Fixed bug where selecting panel docs in the Help sidebar would display the wrong information
  • Fixed Node Playground to work with more than one active node at a time
  • Fixed parameter parsing in @foxglove/rtps
  • Fixed an intermittent incorrect warning ("Bag went back in time") when switching layouts
  • Fixed extensions API to initialize panels with the correct default state
  • Fixed message path syntax to correctly detect valid paths for time and duration
  • Fixed incorrect placement of the "Change panel" menu
  • Fixed to avoid app crashes when playing back a data source that publishes markers without transforms
  • Fixed Plot panel to update as new live data appears
  • Fixed the Plot panel’s CSV download feature to provide the correct values for int64 and uint64 fields
  • Fixed unresponsive "Add Topic" item inside the Image panel's "Markers" menu
  • Fixed fullscreen toggle for panels within Tab panel tabs




  • Added the ability to choose between displaying UNIX vs. local timestamps in the Preferences tab
  • Added an enter / exit fullscreen icon to each panel's toolbar
  • Added support for loading local .mcap files


  • Surfaced initialization errors when loading certain data sources in the Connection sidebar tab
  • Fixed regression by removing unnecessary help content from the Panel Settings sidebar tab




  • Added support for loading and displaying PX4 ULogs (.ulg) files
  • Added a setting in the Preferences sidebar to toggle between light mode and the default dark mode
  • Added support for loading COLLADA (.dae) files as mesh markers in the 3D panel
  • Added a background color setting to the 3D panel
  • Added Turbo as a gradient option for coloring point clouds
  • Implemented preloading for ROS 2 bags and PX4 ULogs
  • Added support for adjusting mesh marker alpha transparency to the 3D panel
  • Added a time display above the playback bar on hover
  • Added a Help sidebar tab with links to panel documentation and other resources


  • Simplified the Plot panel's tooltip to show only the series name and data
  • Renamed Rosout panel to Log panel
  • Enabled field matching for all message path syntax input fields by default
  • Removed polygon drawing feature from 3D panel
  • Removed the Cruise car model from the 3D panel
  • Added a "404" indicator when mesh markers are used but fail to load
  • Removed behavior where adding a panel to the layout automatically opened the Panel settings sidebar


  • Updated ROS 1 native connector to use utf-8 instead of non-standard utf8 encoding in xmlrpc
  • Surfaced a useful error when opening a new sibling panel via the Extensions API with a type that doesn't exist
  • Fixed a bug where changing the timezone to "Detect from system" would temporarily display times in UTC
  • Made the Log panel's toolbar static to fix the jumping dropdown menu
  • Fixed a crash when adding a panel to a newly created Tab panel in certain cases




  • Added button for downloading plot data as a CSV file in the Plot panel
  • Added support for using ROS package:// URLs in mesh markers' mesh_resource fields
  • Added support for loading .stl files for mesh markers' mesh_resource fields
  • Added an addPanel method to extensions API to open or update panels in the layout


  • Made it possible for the Layouts sidebar's sign in prompt to be dismissed
  • Surfaced an error message indicating that the app only supports loading one bag file when user tries to load a second ROS1 bag file
  • Displayed GPS points in different colors with surrounding circles of varying diameters to represent their validity and accuracy in the Map panel
  • For arrays in the Raw Messages panel, replaced button that logs data to the console with a copy icon that copies data to the clipboard
  • Set defaults for all Publish panel config fields and marked them as optional
  • Changed the extensions API to make advertise, unadvertise, and publish into optional methods; disabled Teleop panel when data source does not support publishing
  • Improved the user experience for adding panels, in rare cases when there is no currently selected layout


  • Improved .msg definition parsing to fix errors with empty string constants (ROS 1) and unquoted string constants (ROS 2), and add support for string array default values (ROS 2)
  • Fixed an issue where adding a Map panel after opening a bag file didn't properly display all points
  • Fixed a bug where rotated OccupancyGrids appearing squashed in the 3D panel
  • Fixed an issue where spurious errors were displayed when syncing layouts on app load




  • Fixed another issue where font fallbacks caused app crashes on Windows
  • Removed non-standard deprecated marker types FILLED_POLYGON and OVERLAY_ICON



We've implemented two customer-requested tickets that we're excited to see out in the wild – more powerful topic name and message field searching, and the ability to load 3D models in the 3D panel's scene.


  • Added ability to search for both topics and message fields in the message path input behind an Experimental Feature flag ( Include fields names in message path search)
  • Added panel setting to sync and unsync Plot panels with timestamp-based x-axes with others in the layout
  • Added support for displaying int64 and uint64 values in the Plot and State Transitions panels
  • Added support for loading glTF (.glb) files via a marker's mesh_resource field in the 3D panel


  • Changed appearance of floating toolbars in the 3D and Topic Graph panels due to Fluent UI refactor


  • Fixed bug where the app would sometimes crash on Windows due to font loading issues
