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  • Added button for downloading plot data as a CSV file in the Plot panel
  • Added support for using ROS package:// URLs in mesh markers' mesh_resource fields
  • Added support for loading .stl files for mesh markers' mesh_resource fields
  • Added an addPanel method to extensions API to open or update panels in the layout


  • Made it possible for the Layouts sidebar's sign in prompt to be dismissed
  • Surfaced an error message indicating that the app only supports loading one bag file when user tries to load a second ROS1 bag file
  • Displayed GPS points in different colors with surrounding circles of varying diameters to represent their validity and accuracy in the Map panel
  • For arrays in the Raw Messages panel, replaced button that logs data to the console with a copy icon that copies data to the clipboard
  • Set defaults for all Publish panel config fields and marked them as optional
  • Changed the extensions API to make advertise, unadvertise, and publish into optional methods; disabled Teleop panel when data source does not support publishing
  • Improved the user experience for adding panels, in rare cases when there is no currently selected layout


  • Improved .msg definition parsing to fix errors with empty string constants (ROS 1) and unquoted string constants (ROS 2), and add support for string array default values (ROS 2)
  • Fixed an issue where adding a Map panel after opening a bag file didn't properly display all points
  • Fixed a bug where rotated OccupancyGrids appearing squashed in the 3D panel
  • Fixed an issue where spurious errors were displayed when syncing layouts on app load
