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Happy new year! Check out our much improved sample data - we think it better demonstrates the power of Foxglove.


  • Added nuScenes sample data and layout
  • Added support for changing playback speed for Foxglove data
  • Added support for multiple Foxglove processes in native ROS 1 and 2 data sources


  • Improved ROS 1 error handling
  • Made performance improvements when loading remote files
  • Prevented zooming below a threshold in Image Panel to avoid getting "lost in space"
  • Changed Plot panel tooltips to only show a single value + overflow message
  • Avoided deselecting a panel on second click when the settings are open
  • Made reselecting the same panel type a no-op
  • Rendered small points as rectangles in the Image panel for better performance
  • Removed zoom in instructions from the Plot panel tooltip's overflow message
  • Improved error message when failing to load mesh markers


  • Fixed the Data source dialog's height
  • Queued ROS 1 advertise requests until ROS 1 node is ready
  • Fixed follow mode in orthographic mode so the camera no longer wobbles
  • Fixed setting publishers before getting topics in the ROS 1 player
  • Fixed rendering mesh resource markers referencing ASCII STL files in the 3D panel
  • Fixed rosbag initialization errors not showing to the user
  • Fixed Image panel from flickering during zoom
  • Fixed PointCloud2s' rgb and rgba fields when is_bigendian = false
  • Fixed the Data source dialog's recent connections list for new users
  • Fixed transform loading from URDF robot models in the 3D panel
